A. S. Kline and the Soul of Dante: Anima, Sprito, Alma

January 28, 2019 David Hurley 0

Continuing to look at Statius’ description of human generation in the 25th Canto of Purgatory, it is interesting to note that A. S. Kline translates “anima” as “spirit” rather than “soul.” Either word can be defended as a translation choice. What is being described by Stazio is the “ensoulment” of [Read more…]

“Si Rimane Quasi Alimento Che Di Mensa Leve”

January 26, 2019 David Hurley 0

In yesterday’s blog post I wrote about Clive James translation of Dante’s Purgatory, Canto 25, lines 37-66. I contended that if you knew nothing about Galen’s medical theories then much of Clive James’ translation of Statius’ account of human generation would be incomprehensible. In contrast, A. S. Kline’s prose translation [Read more…]

End of Term Gifts and Games

January 23, 2019 David Hurley 0

One of my “teaching gigs” is at Hiroshima College of Foreign Languages, HCFL or “Gaigo” for short. “Gaigo” or 「外語」 is the abbreviation of the Japanese name, 広島外語専門学校, Hiroshima Gaigo Senmon Gakko. A “senmon gakko” is a vocational college and the courses last for two years as opposed to three [Read more…]

Robert Greene on Catarina Sforza

January 22, 2019 David Hurley 0

This afternoon I was listening to Paul Michael’s narration of the twelfth chapter of Robert Greene’s book, The Laws of Human Nature, Reconnect to the Masculine or Feminine Within You. The chapter argues that there is much to be gained in reconnecting with the qualities of the opposite sex that [Read more…]

Rakurakuen Hiroshima Ekiden Festival

January 21, 2019 David Hurley 0

Here are some photos and videos of the scene in Rakurakuen during the Hiroshima Ekiden – the prefectural relay marathon – that ran from Peace Park in the centre of Hiroshima City to Miyajimaguchi and back on Sunday afternoon. Rakurakuen is approximately halfway between Hiroshima city centre and the island [Read more…]