Chess: Forgetting To Finesse In The Marshall Defence

Here’s a review of a game of chess I played against my regular chess partner, Dr M, at the conclusion of his private English class on Wednesday evening.

I was White and opened with d.4, moving my Queen’s pawn forward two spaces. The opening moves led us into the Marshall Defence:

  1. d4 d5
  2. c4 Nf6 (The Marshall Defence kicks in with Nf6)
  3. cxd5 Nxd5

Here’s a video review of the game. It includes some comments about what John Watson recommends in A Strategic Chess Repertoire For White in response to the Marshall Defence. For a more detailed look at John Watson’s recommendations when faced with the Marshall Defence check out this blog post on my chess blog,

I Forget John Watson’s Advice…

In the game I played 4 e4 in response to 3. … Nxd5 in the Marshall Defence.

That was in spite of my having reviewed John Watson’s recommended fourth move of Nf3 only a couple of hours before the game. In the heat of the moment, I completely forgot about it.

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Mind you, I had been “reviewing” of John Watson’s advice while imbibing a carafe of Saizeriya’s finest white table wine in their bunker-like restaurant in a basement of a building on the Hondori shopping mall in the centre of Hiroshima after three Gaigo classes in a row, all dedicated to end-of-term parties and games. ( See yesterdays blog post. )

In Defence of 4 e4 in the Marshall Defence

However, 4 e4 is NOT a bad move, especially when – as often happens in casual games of chess – Black plays 4. … Nb6, allowing White to achieve the ideal set up.

Indeed, from the point of view of the #pubchessbluffer, when up against a casual player who plays 3…. Nf6, 4 e4 is might be worth a try simply to see if you can trick your opponent into moving his Knight to b6.


P. S. I also posted a video about how to respond to the Marshall Defence on this blog earlier this month.

For more of my chess posts, see my other blog: