Reading: 2008-2009

In 2009 I read the following books. The most recent is at the top:

  • L. Strauss – Thoughts on Machiavelli
  • S. Haffner – The Meaning of Hitler
  • E. Gellner – Nations & Nationalism
  • H. R. Haggard – King Soloman’s Mine
  • S. De Grazia – Machiavelli in Hell
  • G. Orwell – My Country Right or Left
  • R. Byrne – The Secret
  • R. P. Evans – The 5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me
  • G. Orwell – Funny But Not Vulgar
  • H. Suyin – The Four Faces
  • D. Hohnen – Hamlet’s Castle
  • H. Suyin – And the Rain My Drink
  • H. Suyin – Birdless Summer
  • D. R. Howard – Chaucer & the Medieval World
  • L. Newbigin – The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
  • H. Nicolson – The War Diaries
  • C. Phillips – The Rossetti Letter
  • R. Kiyosaki – Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • D. Conway – A Nation of Immigrants?
  • G. Conlan – Proved Innocent
  • O. Goldsmith – The Vicar of Wakefield
  • E. Gibbon – The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire, vol 1
  • R. Kaplan – The Coming Anarchy
  • H. Suyin – A Many Splendoured Thing
  • S. Godin – Tribes