My target for this year, 2020, is to get through 24 books (including Audible audio books). It’s February already, and already I’m struggling.
The number of books I have on the go is multiplying, partly because several of them are chess study books and it takes me much longer to get through them…
Current Reading or Listening
- David Smerdon, The Complete Chess Swindler (Kindle)
- Malory, Le Morte d’Arthur (Audible, abridged, read by Derek Jacobi)
- Lord Byron, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Audible)
- Seneca, Six Tragedies (Kindle), translated by Emily Wilson
- Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay, How to Have Impossible Conversations (Audible)
- Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths, Algorithms To Live By (Kindle & Audible)
- Jouni Yrjola and Jussi Tella, An Explosive Chess Opening Repertoire for Black (Kindle)
- Ted Hughes, Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being
- Machiavelli, The Prince (in The Essential Writings of Machiavelli, ed. & trans. by Peter Constantine) (Kindle)
- Tylor S. Lovins, Why Tell The Truth: An Intro. To The Basic Ideas of Jordan B. Peterson. (Kindle) Tyler’s blog is here:
- Lyudmil Tsvetkov, Neverending Tactics: 3003 Positions to Perfection (Kindle)
- John Watson, Play The French (Paperback & Kindle)
- Ryan Holiday & Stephen Hanselman, The Daily Stoic (Hardback. 4th read through!)
Books Completed in 2020
- Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown’s Schooldays (Audible, read by Hugh Bonneville)
- Lucy Norton, The Sun King and His Loves (2nd reading, 1st in 1982!)
- William Beteet & Brendon Lemon, The Power Bible (Kindle)
- William Wycherley, The Country Wife (Audible)
- Moliere, The Misanthrope (Audible)
- Moliere, The Bungler (Audible)
- Moliere, Tartuffe (Audible)
- Erik Zude and Jorg Hickl, Play 1…d6 Against Everything (Kindle)
- George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Fooled by Randomness (Audible)
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile (Audible)
- Albert Camus, The Plague (Folio)
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Skin in the Game (Audible, 2nd listening)
- Homer, The Odyssey, translated by Emily Wilson (Audible)
- Henry Ho, Tarot and the Path of Initiation (Kindle)
- Aliza Einhorn, The Little Book of Saturn (Kindle)
- Hiroko Oyamada, The Factory (Kindle)
- Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon (Audible)
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