Chess in Hiroshima 3: In Which Dr M Leaves His Bishop & Knight Unguarded…

After reading about the death of Julian the Apostate in Dr M’s “History in English” lesson on Wednesday 4th July, we settled down to a couple of games of chess.

In this game, Dr M attacks as if he is playing shogi (Japanese chess) and neglected to defend his King’s Bishop on QKt4 (or b4 in the algebraic notation). More shocking than that, he then left his Knight on K5 (e4) unguarded when he grabbed the Queen’s Pawn on Q4 (d4)…

Under such circumstances, all that was necessary on my part was to avoid any gratuitous errors…

I tried to set up the camera so that the top of the board would be visible, but iMovies seems to crop quite a bit off the top of the frame, so the pieces on the g and h files are again partly lost to view…