Translating the Iroha Karuta 2: Show, Don’t Tell

October 12, 2022 David Hurley 0

This is the second Japanese proverb in the “Iroha” Karuta series. It consists of three words in Japanese: 論 より 証拠 Ron yori shouko. [Discourse/Debate / rather than / proof/evidence] We need to switch the word order to get to the intended meaning in English: “Proof rather than debate,” Like [Read more…]

Resources For The Tailor Of Gloucester

July 31, 2022 David Hurley 0

The Tailor Of Gloucester is an English children’s story by Beatrix Potter, of “Peter Rabbit” fame. She wrote and published it in 1901.

It tells the tale of a poor tailor who has to make a coat and waistcoat for the Mayor of Gloucester’s Christmas Day wedding. He works late into the evening cutting and preparing the fabric. He lays everything out so that he can start sewing it the next morning.

The Adventures of FLAT Stanley

June 9, 2022 David Hurley 0

One of the pleasures of fatherhood was being able to re-read some of the books I had enjoyed as a child. Another was to discover a whole new generation of delightful children’s books.

One such book, or set of books that I came across when my daughter was about five years old was the “Flat Stanley” series written by Jeff Brown.

Summer Course: Children’s Books In English

June 4, 2022 David Hurley 0

During the summer vacation I will teach a series of two-hour classes on the theme of children’s books. The classes will run from 2pm to 4pm on Tuesday afternoons commencing Tuesday 26th July at Okeiko House, Nishi Hiroshima: Fee: ¥2,000 per class. Schedule 26th July 2nd August 16th August [Read more…]

Reflections on Seeing Operation Mincemeat

May 5, 2022 David Hurley 0

Went to the cinema to see Operation Mincemeat yesterday. Here are some “reflections” prompted by what I saw. Operation Mincemeat is a 2021 British film directed by John Madden, who also directed Shakespeare in Love and Captain Morelli’s Mandolin. It’s set mainly in London in 1943, at a crucial turning point in the [Read more…]

Swallow That Toddler! – Another One Down The Hatch…

February 7, 2022 David Hurley 0

Forget about Brian Tracy’s frogs or Nicholas Chamfort’s toads that I alluded to in a recent post on the Hive blockchain. With Saturn exalted in Capricorn it is time to emulate Old Man Time and swallow a few toddlers instead. It takes discipline and an eye for the long term benefits to grind your way [Read more…]