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Special Lecture On Goethe’s Visit To Naples, 1787

September 24, 2010 David Hurley 0

Title: Special Lecture On Goethe’s Visit To Naples, 1987 Location: Gion Community Centre Link out: Click here Introduction In 1786, the great German writer Johann von Goethe, already rich and famous as the author of The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werthers), the 37-year-old Goethe set off [Read more…]

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Japan’s Homeless Cyber Drifters

September 23, 2010 David Hurley 0

Last Saturday I happened to have a three-hour gap between two of my English classes because another of my clients had requested that we postpone our meeting from lunchtime to early evening. It was too early to make use of the spa facilities at one of the city centre hotels, so [Read more…]

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Goethe’s Italian Journey

September 17, 2010 David Hurley 0

I have been travelling through Italy in the company of Goethe this summer, by which I mean, of course, that I have been reading his “Italian Journey” and tracing his progress across Austria, through the Brenner, down to Lake Garda and then eastwards to Verona and Venice before turning south. [Read more…]

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Kyogen: Classical Japanese Comic Theatre

September 15, 2010 David Hurley 2

A few months ago I was struck by the paucity of theatrical productions in Hiroshima and berated a few of my students on the matter. The pat answer was invariably “Ah, Japanese are very shy.” My protests don’t seem to have had much effect on the recreational habits of the million or so “shy” Hiroshimites, but they did land me a handful of free tickets for a kyogen performance on the noh stage at Aster Plaza towards the end of March.

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From Ulaanbaatar to Moscow, September 1991

September 14, 2010 David Hurley 2

The party I was attached to boarded the Moscow-bound train at Ulaanbaatar on the evening of 21st September. We had all received packed suppers from our guides and had also secured for ourselves a few other vital supplies from the bar of Ulaanbaatar’s main hotel. Thus fortified against the rumoured shortages of on-board refreshments we settled into our coupe for the first evening of our trans-Siberian journey.